Annual Reports

Find out how we have performed

Unity Housing Association publish an annual report at the end of each financial year, to portray a true and fair view of our performance

As part of the regulatory process we must follow, we are required to produce an annual report each financial year. The annual report will include:

  • A summary of the year, and what Unity Housing Association achieved
  • A balance sheet
  • A profit and loss account
  • A cash flow statement
  • A Directors Report

Annual Report to Tenants

The Annual Report to Tenants is designed to highlight our performance and achievements. It also states how we meet the standards set out in the “Regulatory Framework for Social Housing.”

This report will tell you the areas of service we feel we need to improve and how we aim make these improvements.

Our “Annual Report to Tenants” is produced in consultation with tenants, and is approved by our Tenant Scrutiny Panel.